Company profile

About Us

Building Trust Through Experience:
As a leading OEM provider, our 16-year journey establishes trust, cementing valued partnerships with renowned brands like REGE.

Diverse Product Range and Quality Assurance:
Our OEM capabilities cover all-in-one PCs, Mini PCs, industrial panel PCs, and digital signage players. With a focus on research and development, we consistently deliver high-quality solutions meeting 3C certificate standards and ISO9001:2000 quality system authentication.

Global Reach, Customer Satisfaction, and Efficiency:
Embracing a global perspective, our OEM services span worldwide markets, catering to diverse industries. Our approach prioritizes customer satisfaction, offering significant cost savings, reducing operational expenses, enhancing efficiency, and allowing businesses to focus on core competencies.

In Conclusion:
Our extensive OEM experience and commitment to quality position us as a reliable industry partner. Proudly serving as a strategic ally, we provide cost-effective solutions and professional advice, empowering clients to thrive in today’s competitive market landscape.

All-in-one PC

mitx gaming pc

Mini PC

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